
Welcome to NLCLC CM AV team!

You should have received the following:

  • An invite to the CM AV team Whatsapp group
  • Edit access to the scheduling spreadsheet
  • A link to this document

If you haven't received any of these, please let me know.

Feel free to edit and alter (assuming you have a GH account).



Here at the NLCLC CM AV team, we expect a few things.

Punctuality. Please be on time (usually 20-30 minutes earlier than service). This allows you enough time to prepare and enough time to be briefed on system that may or may not work.

Do your best. Audio and video is expected to "just work". We are here to help everything run smoothly, blending into the background. We are also here to make sure that everyone is able to listen, no matter the age, family situation, and everything in between.

Dress appropriately. While there is no official AV team attire, we expect something that minimally gets you into church.

Try not to give out WiFi passwords. The church network is basically overloaded and it is already difficult enough to have everything running, especially when we stream on Sundays. More devices that auto-connect to the network doesn't help. However, if you are an industrial network engineer and have some ideas on how to improve the network, please get in touch.